June 18, 2011


Susanne Fusso, Discovering Sexuality in Dostoevsky (Studies in Russian Literature and Theory) (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern U. Press, 2006) ("The title of this book . . . alludes primarily to the major concern of my study, which is Dostoevsky's artistic treatment of how children and adolescents discover sexuality as part of their maturation and development. The secondary meaning, however, is that in this book I propose to discover the topic of sexuality in Dostoevsky's work in a somewhat different way than the topic has largely been treated up to now. First my primary object of investigation is not Dostoevsky's own sexuality but his literary and journalistic presentation of the subject. Second, in analyzing sexuality in Dostoevsky's work I have tried to avoid placing it withing a Freudian framework, as previous studies have tended to do. My approach is to look at sources on sexuality that were available at the time Dostoevsky was writing, with the aim of reconstructing the pre-Freudian view of human sexual development that Dostoevsky, an avid reader and observer of his own social context, imbibed and to which he reacted." Id. at xiii.).

Susanne Fusso & Alexander Lehrman, eds., Essays on Karolina Pavlova (Studies in Russian Literature and Theory) (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern U. Press, 2001).

Susanne Fusso & Priscilla Meyer, eds., Essays on Gogol: Logos and the Russian Word (Studies in Russian Literature and Theory) (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern U. Press, 1992).

Olga Peters Hasty & Susanne Fusso, eds., America Through Russian Eyes,1874-1928 (New Haven & London: Yale U. Press, 1988).

Vladimir Sergeevich Trubetskoi, A Russian Prince in the Soviet State: Hunting Stories, Letters from Exile, and Military Memoirs (Studies in Russian Literature and Theory), translated from the Russian and edited by Susanne Fusso (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern U. Press, 2006).